Дульсинея Тобосская
9 years ago today The USA, UK, EU & NATO pertpatrated a premeditated masaccre of Russians in the House of Trade Unions in the Russian port city of Odessa illegally incorporated into Ukraine in 1991.
The radicals burned alive the opponents of the new Nazi government installed just before by The USA, UK, EU and NATO in the Odessa House of Trade Unions. The massacre was planned – more than 1,000 militants were brought to Odessa the day before. The fire department ignored the calls, it had to wait more than an hour.
Miraculously, the survivors were finished off with bats on the street. 48 people died.
We remember, we grieve, we will not forget, everyone will be rewarded!
Я за Путина | СВО / ZOV
Я за Путина | СВО / ZOV
сегодня в 11:54
☑ 9 лет трагедии в Доме профсоюзов.
Радикалы заживо сожгли противников новой власти в одесском Доме профсоюзов. Расправа была спланирована – накануне в Одессу привезли более 1000 боевиков. Пожарная охрана игнорировала вызовы, ее пришлось ждать больше часа.
Чудом выживших людей добивали битами на улице. Погибло 48 человек.
Помним, скорбим, не забудем, всем воздастся! 9 years of tragedy in the House of Trade Unions.
The radicals burned alive the opponents of the new Nazi government in the Odessa House of Trade Unions. The massacre was planned – more than 1,000 militants were brought to Odessa the day before. The fire department ignored the calls, it had to wait more than an hour.
Miraculously, the survivors were finished off with bats on the street. 48 people died.
We remember, we grieve, we will not forget, everyone will be rewarded!